  • 動物醫院及診所 Veterinary Hospital & Clinic
  • 商場 Shopping Mall
  • 寵物公園 Pet Park
  • 寵物泳池 Pet Swimming Pool
  • 寵物用品店 Pet Shop
  • 美容及SPA Pet Grooming & SPA
  • 餐廳 Restaurant

General Terms & Conditions

服務及使用條款和細則 (簡稱“條款和細則”)

Smartpetpet 及其子域(統稱“網站”))由Smart Pet Pet Limited(簡稱“Smart”)所持有及營運。Smart和/或其子公司和/或關聯公司 (統稱“本公司”; 而因應相關內文需要或許可,“本公司”亦可指Smart和/或其子公司和/或關聯公司) 除了通過網站、其他的媒體平台或網站(簡稱“平台”)提供服務,還會透過全部或部分由本公司開發的流動網絡和流動應用程式(其包括流動應用程式)(簡稱“應用程式”)向用戶提供服務。網站、平台和應用程式 (簡稱或統稱“渠道”)。用戶瀏覽和使用由渠道所提供的服務必須遵守私隱政策及列於下文的條款和細則(簡稱“條款和細則”)。



用戶進一步接受並同意,他們應就其使用渠道遵守所有適用的法律、法規、條例和規章(不論是否具有法律效力的)。用戶了解到互聯網之全球性質並瞭解和同意他們或須遵守其司法管轄區以外適用的法律、 法規、 條例或規章。



1.1 本公司根據條款和細則透過渠道向用戶提供下列一或多項服務:- (a) 作為發表對寵物店及寵物相關服務體驗的意見及照片之平台; (b) 作為寵物店及寵物相關服務的在線目錄; (c) 其它經本公司渠道提供的服務及渠道上的各項功能 (以上各項服務個別或統稱”服務”); (d) 提供寵物店管理系統和/或商家服務系統; 及 (e) 為廣告商和/或商家提供線上行銷(包括但不限於刊登廣告、促銷活動、優惠、行銷資訊和舉辦特別活動) 。

1.2 本公司保留自行決定修改任何服務之權利,包括但不限於刪除、添加或修改渠道的任何部分,並可不時修改、編輯、分享、刪除或移除在渠道的任何資料而不作通知。除非根據本公司已簽署的任何服務合同的條款(如有),本公司將不會就上述任何行動對任何用戶承擔任何責任。

1.3 本公司對渠道上的內容或通過渠道發送的內容不承擔任何責任,對任何內容或資料的丟失,以及上述內容或資料的準確性不提供任何保證。

1.4 除條款和細則所述外,本公司不參與任何用戶之間的實際交易。

1.5 本公司致力於保護用戶的私隱。本公司根據私隱政策中所描述的條款使用用戶的信息。

1.6 本公司不保證其服務能時刻運作或不受外在因素影響。


2.1 用戶可以在渠道上自由瀏覽資訊並通過渠道以使用本公司提供的服務。然而,某些內容與渠道的功能,包括但不限於提交對寵物店及寵物相關服務體驗的意見及照片,只提供給已註冊成為渠道的會員使用(簡稱“會員”)。

2.2 用戶可以通過“Smart Pet Pet”或“Smart Pet Shop” 或“Smart Pet Guides”網站 註冊成為會員。用戶保證在註冊成為會員時所提供的個人資料都是真實、準確、現行、完整、在各方面都沒有誤導成份的,並進一步承諾該資料如日後有任何變更,會及時與本公司更新。如用戶未能遵守這條款,本公司有權暫停和/或終止其會員帳戶,而不作另行通知。

2.3 用戶不可選擇一些侵犯他人權利或本公司認為帶有攻擊性、不正當的或不適當的用戶名稱或密碼。如有用戶違反,本公司將保留修改或刪除用戶名稱或密碼和/或終止他/她的會員帳戶及會員資格的權利。在任何情況下,本公司將不會就任何用戶不正當使用用戶名稱或密碼而承擔責任。

2.4 本公司有絕對酌情權基於任何理由拒絕任何用戶根據第2.2條申請成為會員,而用戶同意本公司沒有義務向用戶發送任何拒絕會員註冊申請的通知或解釋。

2.5 用戶同意立即通知本公司如發現任何未經授權而使用其會員帳戶或使用本服務的任何其他保安漏洞。

2.6 用戶須獨自地和全面地負責保密其會員賬戶登錄信息和密碼和關於其會員帳戶的任何其他信息,並對與會員帳戶相關的所有活動負責。在任何情況下,本公司絕不會就因未經授權使用的會員帳戶而對任何人造成任何損失或損害承擔責任。

2.7 本公司保留絕對的權利隨時取消或使任何用戶停用的會員帳戶。

2.8 本公司根據私隱政策處理用戶提供的資料。本公司強烈建議用戶在註冊前詳細閱讀私隱政策內的條款。


3.1 用戶(包括會員)同意不使用任何渠道進行下列明確禁止的用途:

a) 所有用戶禁止干擾、擾亂或侵犯,或試圖干擾、破壞或企圖違反渠道上伺服器或網路的安全性,包括但不限於登入未經授權的伺服器或帳戶,試圖探查、掃描或測試系統或網路的脆弱性或未經適當授權而試圖違反安全或認證措施,企圖干擾任何用戶、主機或發送未經認可的電子郵件。如用戶違反系統或網路安全可能引致民事和/或刑事的法律責任。

b) 用戶不得刪除或修改其他用戶發佈的任何材料或資訊。

c) 用戶不得使用渠道(1)上傳、張貼、發佈、傳輸、分配、流通或儲存違反任何現行法律或規例的資料;或(2)以任何方式侵犯版權、商標、商業秘密或他人權利;或(3)以任何方式違法、對人身傷害、誹謗、淫穢、歧視、騷擾、威脅、辱駡性的,或以其他方式攻擊或令人反感的行為;或(4)作出除依據本條款和細則或本公司和用戶之間已簽訂的任何服務合同的條款以外的其他商業目的。所有用戶不得列印、下載、複製或以其他方式使用其他用戶的個人身份資訊(如有)。用戶不可使用任何形式向其他用戶發送未經授權的通信騷擾。

d) 未經他人的明確允許,用戶不應登入或使用其他用戶的個人資料。

e) 用戶不得上傳或張貼任何材料涉及銷售或提供任何非法產品或服務或任何含有欺詐成分的資訊。

f) 用戶不得經渠道發佈任何包含虛假記載、誤導或誹謗性內容、任何電腦病毒、木馬、蠕蟲的電腦檔和可能中斷、破壞或限制任何電腦軟、硬體或電信設備的任何材料。

g) 用戶不得濫發資訊,包括但不限於以任何形式張貼、發送或散播任何不明的電子郵件或訊息。

h) 未經本公司事先書面同意,用戶不得向任何第三方分配或轉讓任何其在條款和細則下的權利或義務。

i) 用戶如果不具有法律能力構成具有法律約束力的合同或其被法律禁止使用服務,不應使用此渠道。

j) 會員不應允許他人通過其用戶名稱和密碼來登入或使用本渠道。

k) 用戶將自行負責保存、記錄,及申報任何用戶透過本渠道及/或服務所提供的活動之相關稅項、責任及政府所需徵收之費用。


4.1 特定用途 — 適用於在渠道上發佈照片,文章,觀點,評論,留言和/或其他任何資訊(統稱“資料”)的用戶。發佈資料的用戶以下簡稱為“發佈用戶”。

a) 發佈用戶同意僅用渠道於合法用途以及享受渠道所提供的服務。本公司可按其意願保留對發佈在渠道上的所有資料的編輯、拒絕、否決及刪除的權利。

b) 若發佈用戶為個人用戶,他/她不可將其身份證和/或護照號碼發佈在渠道上。

c) 用戶使用任何渠道須確認並同意以下條款: (i) 若用戶使用渠道上傳、發佈或分享資料,包括但不限於立即上傳、發佈和分享自拍照片,用戶同意資料是會共享的; (ii) 即使本公司沒有提供有關用戶的資訊,但用戶在使用渠道時,其個人識別資訊可能會被公開;以及 (iii) 用戶將在自願選擇和明確風險的情況下使用渠道。用戶將使本公司和其執行官、股東、僱員、代理人、承包商和關聯人士免受其因使用渠道而導致損害,並就其因用戶使用渠道而產生的任何損失、損害、訴訟、索賠作出賠償。

d) 發佈用戶需對其通過渠道上傳、發佈或分享的資料、以及其連結到渠道的任何網頁,媒介平台和/或應用程式負全部責任。本公司按其意願保留編輯,拒絕,刪除任何資料和連結到網頁和/或媒介平台和/或應用程式的權利。本公司有權自行決定終止向任何發佈用戶提供任何服務。若發佈用戶在渠道發佈資料後將資料刪除或終止其與渠道設立的帳戶,或本公司刪除任何已發佈的資料,則該發佈用戶將無法通過其帳戶接觸該等資料;然而,被刪除的資料仍可持續出現在渠道的任一部分,和/或被本公司以其他任何形式使用。

e) 本公司保留權利在不給予任何理由的情況下以通知要求任何用戶立即停止使用其在渠道設立的帳戶,或更改其用戶名稱;若用戶拒絕遵守本公司提出的要求,本公司可自行決定隨時在沒有預先通知的情況下關閉發佈用戶帳戶,而此行動並不損害本公司其他權利。

f) 雖然本公司將使用合理方法確保只限本公司員工接觸發佈用戶個人資料的資料庫,但是本公司並不保證其他人士將不會在沒有本公司允許的情況下接觸該資料庫。對於發佈用戶提供的個人資料的使用和保護,請參照 私隱政策。

g) 本條款規定適用於在渠道上發佈廣告、促銷、特別優惠、商業資訊和行銷資料的用戶(簡稱“廣告客戶”或“商家”): (1) 於向本公司支付服務費或接受任何免費試用邀約的情況下,用戶將有權使用本公司網站和/或平台和/或應用程式(視情況而定)來發佈廣告、特別優惠、商業資訊和/或行銷資料 (其受制於 (1.1) 此條款和細則及 (1.2) 本公司與廣告客戶或商家所訂立的服務合同的條款(簡稱“服務合同”),而在兩者之間有任何衝突的情況下,以後者作準。 (2) 本公司保留權利按其需要更改服務費,或向在渠道上發佈廣告、特別優惠、商業資訊和/或和行銷資料的廣告客戶或商家徵收新的費用。 (3) 若廣告客戶或商家未能支付服務費用或違反任何條款和細則或服務合同條款的情況下,本公司保留中止或停止廣告客戶或商家的用戶帳戶和廣告,及其使用連結到本公司網頁和/或媒介平台和/或應用程式的權利。

h) 本條文適用於會在渠道上張貼評論的用戶: (i) 用戶在所有任何時間應遵守本公司不時修訂的評論指引; 及 (ii) 用戶在任何時間或任何情況下都不可在獲得報酬下而撰寫評論或刪除評論。

4.2 特定用途 — 適用於瀏覽和/或使用在渠道上的資料的用戶(簡稱“瀏覽者”)



4.3 特定用途 — 使用商家服務系統或商家服務的商家或商店

對於使用本公司商家服務系統任何功能(個別或統稱“系統”)或經由任何渠道和/或系統功能使用本公司提供的任何相關服務以促使進行的任何訂服務的商家或商店 ,該等商家及商店確認已閱讀、理解並接受(i)本條款和細則,(ii) 私隱政策(iii)商家服務條款和(iv)本公司與商家之間訂立的任何協議的條款和細則、報價、登記表格和/或服務訂購表格(個別或統稱為“服務訂單”)。


通過在渠道上發佈資料, 用戶無條件授予本公司非獨家的、全球的、不可撤銷、無版稅版權、行使其資料之著作權,發表和數據庫權 (但沒有其他權利), 以便本公司在任何地方,無論有沒有商業收益,以任何形式使用、編輯、發佈、複製、下載、託管、展示、推廣、提交、傳播、複製,轉移、銷售和再利用資料,及實施載於私隱政策中和本文所述的用途。


渠道的所有內容,包括不限於文本、圖片、版面、資料庫、資訊、評論、照片、聲音、視頻格式、軟體、品牌和HTML 均是本公司或用戶的知識產權(視情況而定) ,這些均受版權和商標法保護而不可被下載、 複製、 修改、 轉載、 列印或以任何方式傳送,用戶下載及/或列印一份此類材料作為其個人合法和非商業用途或根據本公司與用戶已簽訂的服務合同範圍內而下載和/或列印此類材料除外。除條款和細則及任何特定渠道的條款和細則或與本公司簽訂的條款訂定之用途外,用戶嚴格禁止使用任何上述之內容,本公司保留與此相關的所有權利。用戶認同他們將單獨負責因違反版權法及/或其他知識產權法所引致的任何不良後果。


用戶同意本公司可以自由地使用、 修改、 採用和披露所有其通過渠道而提供的想法、概念、提案、建議及其它交流及資訊而毋須因此給予其任何報酬或補償。用戶謹此放棄就本公司使用、披露、採用及/或修改其想法、概念、提案、建議及其它交流及資訊而向本公司索取任何報酬、收費、特許權使用費、 手續費及/或其他費用的權利。






用戶確認並同意單獨對其發佈資料,網頁或其他資訊內容的準確性負全面的責任。本公司對任何連結渠道之其它網站之內容、媒介平台及應用程式不承擔任何責任 (無論是否與渠道相聯), 亦不會對任何其它網站、媒介平台及應用程式內之內容或資料的準確性提供任何保證。若用戶使用連結渠道的其它網站、媒介平台及/或應用程式,由其自身承擔風險 。

若本公司認為用戶違反或有可能違反任何特定渠道的條款或本公司與用戶簽訂的服務合同之條款和細則,本公司將有權刪除在渠道上已上載或發佈的任何資料並驅逐和防止用戶再使用渠道 (例如:包括但不限於終止會員帳戶及阻止用戶進入互聯網通信協定位址),並無需對用戶作出任何補償。





若因使用渠道或其內容導致用戶需要維修或替換設備或資料,用戶需自行承擔相關費用。渠道和其內容是按照“目前的模式”提供,在模式種類上沒有任何保證。 在法律允許的最大限度內,本公司對渠道內容、文本、圖像、連結和服務的適用性、適合特定用途性、準確性和可靠性、完整性或及時性不作任何保證。

所有用戶需就使用渠道及通過渠道瀏覽其他網頁和/或媒體平台和/或應用程式而承擔自身風險。 所有用戶須對其發佈行為負責,本公司不保證用戶在渠道上發佈資料的真實性、準確性和可靠性,亦不代表本公司贊同發佈用戶表達的觀點。所有用戶依賴其他用戶張貼的廣告和材料時應由其承擔自身風險。在用戶違反條款和細則內容或侵犯法律的情況下,本公司保留權力排除該用戶並禁止用戶再次登入渠道,亦保留權利可自行決定刪除任何具有辱駡性、非法性、分裂性或不適當的資料。






本公司有權因任何原因(包括但不限於用戶違反任何法律、條款和細則、渠道或任何特定平台之條款和細則或本公司與用戶簽署的任何服務合同之條款和細則)及沒有通知的情況下刪除或停用任何帳戶或屏蔽任何用戶的郵件或IP 地址, 或終止對用戶的服務, 或移除服務內的資料。本公司保留其認為適當或必要時,在任何時候採取以上有關行動, 包括但不限於向該用戶採取法律行動。本公司沒有義務在停止服務或删除渠道中的資料之前或之後,向任何用戶傳達渠道上發佈的任何資料。




本公司不能保證用戶可不間斷的、 連續的和/或安全地通過渠道使用服務。部分或全部渠道可能於某時段內沒有原因意外地不能接達,這些原因包括但不限於可能是系統故障及中斷,互聯網接達故障及其他本公司無法控制的技術問題,對此本公司概不負責。本公司保留因不同的原因,包括系統維修或提升而將渠道的任何部分或全部離線而不需作出通知的權利。



在任何情況下,本公司、其執行官、董事、雇員、代理、合作商、代表、股東、服務員、律師,前任和繼任人員任絕不需因 (a) 用戶使用或無法使用渠道的內容或服務,包括因疏忽,或因各方的分歧;(b) 用戶使用任何廣告商或商家提供的服務或產品 ; 和/或(c) 任何廣告商或商家行為,提供的服務或政策,而直接或間接引起或造成的任何損失、 索償或損害賠償(包括但不限於直接、 間接、 偶然、 特殊、 懲罰性或相應的損害賠償,業務或利潤損失)負任何責任。

本公司並不是任何商家、 廣告商或商家的代理。








若 (a) 此條款和細則, (b) 平台和/或應用程式之特定使用條款,(c) 私隱政策; 與 (d)本公司與任何用戶簽署的服務合同之條款包括服務合同或服務訂購,和/或本公司主辦的任何特殊活動的任何具體使用之條款和細則相牴觸,則以第 (d) 項優先於其他文件,而其餘優先順序如下:(i) 私隱政策; (ii) 平台和/或應用程式之特定使用條款; 及 (iii) 條款和細則,但受限於上述文件中明確的相反規定(如有)。












最後更新日期為 2021年11月16日。


Terms and Conditions of Service / Use (“Terms & Conditions”)

Smart Pet Pet Limited and its sub-domains (hereinafter collectively referred to as the “Websites”) are owned and operated by Smart Pet Pet Limited (hereinafter referred to as “Smart”). Smart and/or its subsidiary(ies) and/or affiliate(s) (hereinafter collectively referred to as the “Company”; and where the context requires or permits, “Company” may refer to any one of Smart and/or its subsidiary(ies) and/or affiliate(s)) also operate and provide services via, apart from the Websites, other media platforms or other websites (hereinafter referred to as the “Platforms”) and Smart mobile webs and mobile applications (hereinafter referred to as the “Applications”) which are developed in whole or in part by the Company. The Websites, the Platforms and the Applications may be referred to singly or collectively as the “Sites” hereinafter. Access to and use of the contents and services provided on the Sites shall be subject to the Company’s Privacy Policy and the terms and conditions which are set out below (hereinafter referred to as the “Terms and Conditions”).

By using the Sites and any other site and/or media platforms and/or applications accessed through such Sites, users of the Sites (hereinafter referred to as the “Users”) acknowledge and agree that the Company’s Privacy Policy and the Terms and Conditions set out below are binding upon them. If a User does not accept either or both of the Company’s Privacy Policy and/or the Terms and Conditions, please do not use the Sites.

By using the Sites, Users acknowledge and agree that, if applicable, apart from being bound by the Terms and Conditions set out herein, they will at the same time be bound by the terms and conditions of the relevant and applicable Site(s) that they use and the terms and conditions of the relevant and applicable Site(s) operated by the Company which their Materials (as defined in Clause 4.2 below) are being / have been uploaded to or posted on.

Users further acknowledge and agree that they shall comply with all applicable laws, statutes, ordinances and regulations (whether or not having the force of law) regarding their use of the Sites. Users recognize the global nature of the Internet and understand that the applicable laws, statutes, ordinances and/or regulations may be of a jurisdiction other than their own and agree that compliance with the same is their absolute responsibility.

The terms “User” and “Users” herein refer to all individuals and/or entities accessing and/or using the Sites at anytime, whether in Hong Kong or elsewhere, for any reason or purpose.

1.General Terms

1.1 The Company offers one or more of the following services through the Sites pursuant to the Terms and Conditions:- (a) as platform for sharing comments and photos related to pet shops and services; (b) as online directory for pet shops and services; (c) any other contents, features, services and/or applications made available by the Company via the Sites (hereinafter singly or collectively referred to as the “Services”) (d) provision of pet shop management system and/or merchant service system; and (e) advertising services for Advertiser(s) and/or Merchant(s) (including but not limited to posting advertisements, promotional campaigns, offers, marketing materials and hosting special events).

1.2 The Company reserves the rights, in its sole discretion, to modify the Services, including without limitation by removing, adding, or modifying any portion of the Sites and to modify, edit, share, erase, delete or remove any Materials posted on the Sites for any reason from time to time and without notice. The Company shall have no liability to any Users for any of the foregoing actions except pursuant to terms of any service agreement signed with the Company, if any.

1.3 The Company takes no responsibility whatsoever for the content on the Sites or any content sent through the Sites, or for any content lost and does not make any representations or warranties regarding the content or accuracy of any material therein.

1.4 Except as specified in the Terms and Conditions, the Company is not a party to any actual transaction between Users.

1.5 The Company is committed to protect the privacy of the Users. The Company uses the information of the Users according to the terms as described in the Company’s Privacy Policy.

1.6 The Company does not guarantee that the Services will always be available or uninterrupted.

2.Registration as Member

2.1 Users may freely browse the Sites for information and use the tools which the Company makes available therein. However, certain contents and functions of Sites, including without limitation submission of pet shops and services review is only available to registered members of the Sites (“Members”).

2.2 A User may become a Member of the Sites by registering online at the section “Member Registration” via “Smart Pet Pet” or “Smart Pet Shop” or “Smart Pet Guides”. Users warrant that the personal particulars which they provide when they register as Members of the Sites are true, accurate, current, complete and not misleading in all respects, and further undertake to promptly update the Company where there is any subsequent change in such particulars. Users’ failure to do so would entitle the Company to suspend and/or terminate their membership account (“Account”) with the Sites without further notice and/or recourse to the related Users.

2.3 Users must not select a username or password that violates any person’s rights or one that in the Company’s opinion is offensive, improper or inappropriate. If a User does so, the Company reserves the right to modify or delete the username or password and/or terminate his/her Account with the Sites. In any event the Company shall not be liable in any way for any improper use of a username or password by any User.

2.4 Registration requests made pursuant to Clause 2.2 may be refused by the Company at its sole and absolute discretion and Users agree that the Company is under no obligation to send Users any alert, notice or explanation regarding the Company’s rejection of membership registration.

2.5 Users agree to immediately notify the Company of any unauthorized use of their Accounts or any other breach of security with respect to their use of the Services.

2.6 Users shall be solely and entirely responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of the login information and password and any other information in respect of their Accounts and responsible for all activities that occur in connection with the Account. In no event shall the Company be responsible or liable for any loss or damage in relation to the unauthorized use of Account by any person.

2.7 The Company reserves the rights to deactivate or cancel any User’s Account at any time as it deems necessary.

2.8 The information that Users provide to the Company on the registration form to become a Member will be dealt with in accordance with our Company’s Privacy Policy, and the Company strongly recommends Users to read the said Company’s Privacy Policy prior to registration as the terms stated therein are binding upon all Users.

3.Prohibited Uses for all Users

3.1 Users of the Sites, including Members, agree not to use any of the Sites for any of the purposes which are expressly prohibited below:
a) All Users are prohibited from interfering with, disrupting or violating, or attempting to interfere with, disrupt or violate the security, servers or network of the Sites (including without limitation, accessing data not intended for them, logging into a server or account which they are not authorized to access, attempting to probe, scan or test the vulnerability of a system or network, attempting to breach security or authentication measures without proper authorization, attempting to interfere with service to any user, host or network or sending unsolicited e-mails). Violation of system or network security by Users may result in civil and/or criminal liabilities.

b) A User shall not delete or revise any material or information posted by any other Users.

c) Users shall not use the Sites (1) for uploading, posting, publishing, transmitting, distributing, circulating or storing material in violation of any applicable laws or regulations; (2) in any manner that will infringe the copyright, trademark, trade secrets or other intellectual property rights of others or violate the privacy or publicity or other personal rights of others; (3) in any manner that is illegal, harmful, defamatory, libelous, obscene, discriminatory, harassing, threatening, abusive, hateful or is otherwise offensive or objectionable; or (4) for commercial purposes other than pursuant to these Terms and Conditions or terms and conditions of any service agreement(s) entered into between the Company and the User. In particular, Users shall not print, download, duplicate or otherwise copy or use any personally identifiable information about other Users (if any). The sending of unsolicited communications of any type by a User to other Users is strictly prohibited.

d) Users shall not access or use the personal data of any other Users without his/her express permission.

e) Users shall not upload or post any materials involving the sale or provision of any illegal products or services or any materials containing fraudulent information.

f) Users shall not upload or post any advertisement or materials on the Sites contains any false, inaccurate, misleading, libelous content, computer viruses, trojan horses, worms, computed files or other materials that may interrupt, damage or limit the functionality of any computer software or hardware or telecommunication equipment.

g) Users shall not engage in spamming, including but not limited to any form of emailing, posting or messaging that is unsolicited.

h) Users shall not assign or transfer any rights or obligations under these Terms and Conditions to any third person without the Company’s prior written consent thereto.

i) Users shall not use the Sites if they do not have legal capacity to form legally binding contracts or they are prohibited by law from accessing or using the Services.

j) Members shall not allow others to use his/her username and password to access or use any Sites.

k) Users will be responsible for withholding, filing, and reporting all taxes, duties and other governmental assessments associated with your activity in connection with using the Sites and/or the Services.

4. Acceptable uses of the Sites

4.1 Specific uses – Applicable to User(s) uploading or posting photos, content, views, comments, messages, materials and/or any information on the Sites (hereinafter collectively referred to as the “Material(s)”). User(s) uploading or posting the Materials shall hereinafter referred to as the “Posting User(s)”.

a) A Posting User agrees that he/she/it shall only use the Sites for lawful purposes and for enjoying the Services provided through the Sites. The Company reserves the right to edit, share, reject, disapprove, erase and delete any Materials posted on the Sites as it sees appropriate.

b) In the event that the Posting User is an individual, he/she shall not post his/her identity card and/or passport number on the Sites.

c) By using any of the Sites, Users acknowledge and agree to the following:- (i) If Users use any of the Sites to upload, post and share Materials, including but not limited to instantly uploading, posting and sharing photos taken, the Users are consenting to the Materials being shared; (ii) The Users’ use of the Sites may cause personally identifying information to be publicly disclosed and/or associated with the relevant Users, even if the Company has not itself provided such information; and (iii) The Users shall use the Sites at their own option and risk and at their own accord. The Users will hold the Company and its officers, shareholders, employees, agents, contractors and affiliates harmless for activities related to their use of the Sites, and indemnify them for any loss, damage, action, claim or demand arising from or in connection with the use of the Sites by such Users.

d) Posting Users shall be solely responsible for the Materials uploaded, posted or shared by them and/or any web pages and/or media platforms and/or applications linked to the Sites posted by them. The Company reserves the right to edit, share, reject, erase, remove and delete any Materials and links to web pages and/or media platforms and/or applications as it sees appropriate. The Company shall have the right to terminate any services to any Posting Users at its sole discretion. If a Posting User uploads or posts Materials on the Sites and subsequently deletes and/or removes the same or the Posting User terminates his/her/its account maintained with the Sites, or that the Company deletes and/or removes such uploaded or posted Materials, such Materials will no longer be accessible by the Posting User who uploaded or posted the same via that Posting User’s account; however, such deleted Materials may still persist and appear on any part of the Sites, and/or be used in any form by the Company.

e) The Company reserves the right to request any User to cease using or to change his/her/its username immediately upon notice given to him/her/it without giving any reason as and when the Company deems appropriate to do so; if any User disagrees and refuses to abide by such request made by the Company, the Company may at any time at its sole discretion, deactivate that User’s account without prior notification to that User and without prejudice to all the Company’s other rights and remedies.

f) Although the Company shall use its reasonable endeavors to ensure that the database of the Posting Users’ personal data is only accessed by personnel of the Company, the Company does not guarantee that other parties will not, without the Company’s consent, gain access to such database. For the usage and protection of personal data provided by the Posting Users, please refer to the Company’s Privacy Policy .

g) This paragraph shall be applicable to Users posting advertisements, promotional, special offers, commercial information and marketing materials on the Sites (hereinafter referred to as “Advertiser(s)” or “Merchant(s)”):- (1) Upon payment of a service fee to the Company or upon acceptance of any free trial promotion offer, Advertisers or Merchants will be entitled to use the Websites and/or Platforms and/or Applications (as the case may be) to post advertisements, special offers, commercial information and/or promotional materials (subject to the Terms and Conditions and any specific terms and conditions of any service agreement(s) entered into between the Company and the Advertiser or Merchant (“Service Agreement”), and in the event of any conflict between them, the latter shall prevail). (2) The Company also reserves the right to change the service fee or institute new charges or fees to be paid by Advertisers or Merchants for posting advertisements, special offers, commercial information and/or promotional materials on any of the Sites, as it deems appropriate. (3) In the event that any Advertiser or Merchant fails to pay the service fee or any other fees or charges due to the Company or is in breach of any term of the Terms and Conditions or the Service Agreement, the Company reserves the right to suspend or terminate that Advertiser’s or Merchant’s user account, advertisements and links to web pages and/or media platforms and/or applications without prejudice to all its other rights and remedies.

h) This paragraph shall be applicable to the Users who post pet shops and services reviews on the Sites:- (1) Users should at all times comply with the Company’s Review Guidelines as may be amended by the Company from time to time; and (2) Users should not at any time or under any circumstances be compensated for writing a review or removing a review written by them.

4.2 Specific uses – User(s) viewing and/or using the Materials posted on the Sites (hereinafter referred to as the “Viewer(s)”)

The Viewer agrees that he/she/it shall only use the Sites for lawful purposes and for enjoying the Services provided therein. The Viewer agrees that any personal data received via the Sites or from the Company shall only be used for the purpose of identifying and/or locating advertisements or materials or any content therein or for the purpose of enjoying the Services provided through the Sites. Any personal data received which are irrelevant to the above purposes shall be disregarded and shall not be saved, stored, collected, processed, used, distributed, published, disclosed or transmitted in any way, including but not limited to for any commercial purpose. The Viewer also agrees that any personal data collected via the Sites or from the Company shall be promptly and properly deleted when the above purposes have lapsed or been achieved.

The Company shall not be responsible or held liable in any way if any Users, in breach of any applicable laws and regulations, the Terms and Conditions or the terms and conditions of any relevant and applicable Site(s), whether in Hong Kong or elsewhere, use any other Users’ personal data, information or materials (whether obtained from the Sites or not) for any purpose. All Users accept that all personal data, information or materials provided by them publicly on the Sites are voluntarily provided and are given entirely at their own risk. The Company shall not bear the responsibility of protecting the personal data, information or materials so provided publicly therein.

4.3 Specific Uses – Merchant(s) using any module of the merchant service system

Merchants using any module of the merchant service system (“System”) operated by the Company and/or any related services provided by the Company for enabling any services via any Site and/or using any other module of the System made available by the Company, acknowledge that they have read, understood and accepted (i) the Terms and Conditions, (ii) the Company’s Privacy Policy, (iii) the Terms of Merchant Services and (iv) the terms and conditions of any contract, quotation, registration form and/or service order form entered into between the Company and the Merchant(s) (singly or collectively “Service Order”).

5.Content License

By uploading or posting Materials on the Sites, each User unconditionally grants the Company a non-exclusive, worldwide, perpetual, irrevocable, royalty-free right to exercise the copyright, publicity and database rights (but no other rights) he/she/it has in the Materials in order that the Company can use, edit, publish, copy, download, host, display, promote, forward, distribute, reproduce, transfer, sell and re-use the Materials in any form and anywhere, with or without making any commercial gains or profits, and carry out the purposes set out in the Company’s Privacy Policy and herein.

6.Intellectual Property Rights

All contents of the Sites, including without limitation the text, images, layout, database, information, comments, graphics, photos, pictures, sounds or audio formats, software, brands and HTML are the intellectual properties of the Company or the Users (as the case may be) which are protected by applicable copyright and trademark laws and may not be downloaded, copied, modified, reproduced, printed or distributed in any way except that Users may download and/or print a copy of such materials for their own legal and non-commercial uses or for such purposes as permitted under the terms and conditions of any service agreement(s) entered into between the Company and the User(s)). Any use of any of such content other than those permitted under the Terms and Conditions, the terms and conditions of any specific Site(s) and the terms and conditions of any service agreement(s) entered into between the Company and the User(s) is strictly prohibited and the Company reserves all its rights in this respect. Users acknowledge that they will be solely responsible for any adverse consequences arising from their breach of copyright laws and/or other intellectual property laws.

For the avoidance of doubt, any purported consent of any third parties on the use of the contents and materials mentioned under this Clause shall not exonerate the Users from the restrictions/prohibitions imposed hereunder in whatsoever manner.

Users agree that the Company is free to use, modify, adopt and disclose all and any ideas, concepts, proposals, suggestions, comments and other communications and information provided by them to the Company in connection with the Users’ use of the Sites without any remuneration or compensation to them. Users hereby waive all and any rights and claims for any consideration, fees, royalties, charges and/or other payments in relation to the Company’s use, disclosure, adoption and/or modification of such ideas, concepts, proposals, suggestions, comments and/or other communications and information.

7. Sort Order

The Sites provide sorting and filter settings for Users to adapt the search results to their preferences using criteria such as availability, Services’ reviews, Services’ popularity, distance or other criteria. The Company continually optimizes the Sites to provide Users the best experience and may test different default sort order algorithms from time to time.

8. Contents

Users acknowledge that the Company may not pre-screen or pre-approve certain content posted on the Sites or any content sent through the Sites. In any event, the Company takes no responsibility whatsoever for the content on the Sites or any content sent through the Sites, or for any content lost and does not make any representations or warranties regarding the content or accuracy of any material therein.

Any Materials uploaded or posted on the Sites by the Users may be viewed by users of other web sites and/or media platforms and/or applications linked to the Sites and the Company is not responsible for any improper and/or illegal use by any user or third party from linked third party web sites and/or media platforms and/or applications of any data or materials posted on the Sites. Links to third party web sites and/or media platforms and/or applications provided on the Sites are provided solely as a convenience to the Users and as internet navigation tools, and not in any way an endorsement by the Company of the contents on such third party web sites and/or media platforms and/or applications. Unless otherwise stated on the Sites, the Company has no control over or rights in such third party web sites and/or media platforms and/or applications and is not responsible for any contents on such third party web sites and/or media platforms and/or applications or any use of services provided by such third party web sites and/or media platforms and/or applications by the Users.

All Users acknowledge and agree that they are solely responsible for the form, content and accuracy of any Materials, web page or other information contained therein placed by them. The Company is not responsible for the content of any third party web sites and/or media platforms and/or applications (regardless of whether they are linked to the Sites), and does not make any representations or warranties regarding the contents or accuracy of materials on such third party web sites and/or media platforms and/or applications. If any User accesses via hyperlinks on the Sites any third party web sites and/or media platforms and/or applications, he/she/it does so entirely at his/her/its own risk.

The Company shall have the right to remove any Materials uploaded or posted on the Sites, to expel the Users from and prevent their further access to the Sites (by way of, including but not limited to, terminating the membership accounts and blocking the Users’ Internet Protocol addresses) at its sole discretion without any notice, compensation or recourse to the Users if the Company considers at its sole discretion that such Users have breached or is likely to breach any law or regulations or the Terms and Conditions or any terms and conditions of any specific Site(s) or service agreement(s) entered into between the Company and the User(s).

In the event that the Company decides to remove any paid advertisement or paid services for any reasons not relating to any breach of law or the provisions herein, the Company may, after deducting the fees charged for the period that the advertisement has been posted on the Sites or that the service has been provided, refund the remaining fees (if any) to the related Advertiser or Merchant in accordance with the Terms and Conditions or the terms and conditions of any specific Site(s) or service agreement(s) entered into between the Company and the related Advertiser or Merchant (including without limitation the Service Order(s)), without prejudice to the Company’s rights and remedies hereunder.

Users agree and consent that the Company may, subject to the terms of the Company’s Privacy Policy , use their personal data and/or other information provided to the Sites for purposes relating to the provision of Services and/or offered by the Company and marketing services and/or special events of the Company.

9. Responsibility

The Company may not monitor the Sites at all times but reserves the right to do so. The Company does not warrant that any Materials or web page or application will be viewed by any specific number of Users or that it will be viewed by any specific User. The Company shall not in any way be considered an agent of any User with respect to any use of the Sites and shall not be responsible in any way for any direct or indirect damage or loss that may arise or result from the use of the Sites, for whatever reason made.

The Company does not warrant that the Sites will operate error-free or that the Sites and their server are free of viruses or other harmful mechanisms. If use of the Sites or their contents result in the need for servicing or replacing equipment or data by any user, the Company shall not be responsible for those costs. The Sites and their contents are provided on an “as is” basis without any warranties of any kind. To the fullest extent permitted by law, the Company disclaims all warranties, including, without prejudice to the foregoing, any in respect of merchantability, non-infringement of third party rights, fitness for particular purpose, or about the accuracy, reliability, completeness or timeliness of the contents, text, graphics, hyperlinks and services on the Sites.

10. No representations

All Users shall use the Sites and any other websites and/or media platforms and/or applications access through the Sites, entirely at their own risk.

All Users are responsible for the consequences of their postings. The Company does not give any representations or guarantees regarding the truthfulness, accuracy or reliability of any Materials uploaded or posted by the Posting Users or endorse any opinions expressed by the Posting Users. Reliance by any User on advertisements and materials posted by the other Users will be at their own risk. The Company reserves the right to expel any User and prevent his/her/its further access to the Sites, at any time for breaching this agreement or violating the law and also reserves the right to remove any Materials which is abusive, illegal, disruptive or inappropriate at the Company’s sole discretion.

11. Indemnity

All Users agree to indemnify, and hold harmless the Company, its officers, directors, employees, agents, partners, representatives, shareholders, servants, attorneys, predecessors, successors and assigns from and against any claims, actions, demands, liabilities, losses, damages, costs and expenses (including legal fees and litigation expenses on a full indemnity basis) arising from or resulting from their use of the Sites, their use of any services provided by the Company via the Sites, or their breach of any term of this Terms and Conditions or any terms and conditions of any specific Site(s) or service agreement(s) entered into between the Company and the User(s). The Company will provide prompt notice of any such claim, suit or proceedings to the relevant User.

12. Limitation of the Service

The Company shall have the right to limit the use of the Services, including the period of time that Materials will be posted on the Sites, placement, the size and position of the Materials, email messages or any other contents which are transmitted by the Services.

13. Termination of Service

The Company shall have the right to delete or deactivate any account, or block the email or IP address of any User, or terminate the access of Users to the Services, and remove any Materials within the Services immediately without notice for any reason, including but not limited to the reason that the User breached any law or the Terms and Conditions or any terms and conditions of any specific Site(s) or any service agreement(s) entered into between the Company and the User(s). The Company reserves the right at any time to take such action as it considers appropriate, desirable or necessary including but not limited to taking legal actions against any such User. The Company shall have no obligation to deliver any Materials posted on the Sites to any User at any time, both before or after cessation of the Services or upon removal of the related Material(s) from the Sites.

14. Disclaimer

The Company does not have control over and does not guarantee the truth or accuracy of listings of any Materials posted on the Sites or any content on third party web sites and/or media platforms and/or applications accessed via the Sites.

The Company shall not be liable for any default of obligations or duties directly or indirectly caused by or resulted from any causes beyond the Company’s reasonable control, including but not limited to Internet failure or any system default.

The Company does not guarantee uninterrupted, continuous and/or secure access to the any Services via the Sites. Part of or the entire Sites may be unexpectedly unavailable for whatever duration and for whatsoever reasons that may include but not limited to system malfunctions and disruptions, Internet access downtime and other technical problems beyond the Company’s control for which we cannot and shall not be held responsible. The Company reserves the right to take any part or the whole of the Sites offline with or without notice for reasons including but not limited to system maintenance or upgrading.

All content and information on the website are for reference only. All medical information given is not intended to provide medical advice, nor should it replace the advice given to third parties by professional doctors or other qualified medical personnel. Should third parties have any inquiries about any medical content on the website, independent professional advice should be considered under any circumstances.

Should users encounter any emergency medical situation which needs immediate treatment, please contact veterinarians directly. This website will not make any guarantee or assume any responsibility for the content provided, including specific medical tests, physicians’ opinions, medical products, etc. Reliance on any content or information provided by the Company is solely at users’ own risk.

In any event, the company, its officers, directors, employees, agents, partners, representatives, shareholders, servants, attorneys, predecessors, successors and assigns shall not be liable for any losses, claims or damages (including but not limited to direct, indirect, incidental, special, punitive or consequential damages, loss of business or profit) directly or indirectly suffered by any user whatsoever and howsoever arising or resulting from or connected with (a) any User’s or inability to use the Sites, their contents or the services, including negligence and disputes between any parties; (b) any User’s use of any services or products provided by any Merchants or Advertisers; and/or (c) any performance, non-performance, conduct or policies of any Merchants or Advertisers.

The Company is not an agent of any of the Merchants or Advertisers.

15. Limitation of Liability

Without prejudice to the above and subject to the applicable laws, the aggregate liability of the Company to any User for all claims and expenses arising from their use of the Services and/or the Sites shall be limited to the amount of HK$100.

16. Security Measures

The Company will use its reasonable endeavors to ensure that its officers, directors, employees, agents and/or contractors will exercise their prudence and due diligence in handling the personal data submitted by the Users, and the access to and processing of the personal data by such persons is on a “need-to-know” and “need-to-use” basis. The Company will use its reasonable endeavors to protect the personal data against any unauthorized or accidental access, processing or erasure of the personal data. For the Company’s policies regarding the usage and protection of personal data provided by Users of the Sites, please refer to the Company’s Privacy Policy.

17. Severability

If, at any time, any provision of the Terms and Conditions is or becomes invalid, illegal or unenforceable in any respect, neither the validity, legality and enforceability of the remaining provisions nor the validity, legality or enforceability of such provision under the applicable law will in any way be affected or impaired.

18. Conflict

If there is any conflict among (a) these Terms and Conditions, (b) specific terms of use appearing on the Platforms and/or the Applications. (c) Company’s Privacy Policy; and (d) terms and conditions of any service agreement(s) including Service Agreement or Service Order entered into between the Company and the User(s), and/or any specific terms and conditions of use in respect of any special events hosted by the Company, the latest shall prevail over other documents and then the following descending order of procedure shall apply:- (i) Company’s Privacy Policy; (ii) the specific terms of use appearing on the Platforms and/or the Applications; and (iii) the Terms and Conditions, subject always to the express contrary provisions (if any) contained in the aforesaid documents.

19. Governing Law and Dispute Resolutions

The Terms and Conditions and any dispute or matter arising from or incidental to the use of the Sites shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People’s Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as “Hong Kong”).

Any dispute, controversy or claim arising out of or relating to the Terms and Conditions including the validity, invalidity, breach or termination thereof, shall be submitted to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the Hong Kong courts.

20. Rights of Third Parties

Except as expressly set forth herein, no person other than the parties to these Terms and Conditions shall have any right to enforce or to enjoy the benefit of any term hereof.

21. Modifications

The Company reserves the right, at its own discretion, to revise the Company’s Privacy Policy and the Terms and Conditions at any time without prior notice to any Users. Once posted on the Sites, the amended Company’s Privacy Policy and the Terms and Conditions shall apply to all Users. Users are advised to visit this page periodically to review the latest Company’s Privacy Policy and the Terms and Conditions. A User’s access to the Sites and the Services will be terminated upon his/her notice to the Company that any change is unacceptable; otherwise the continued use of the Sites after any such changes shall constitute acceptance of all changes and the said changes shall be binding upon the User.

22. Inconsistency

The Terms and Conditions and any dispute or matter arising from or incidental to the use of the Sites shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People’s Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as “Hong Kong”).

23. Enquiries
Please contact us at info@smartpetpet.com to report any violations of this Terms and Conditions or to pose any questions regarding this Terms and Conditions or any Services.

Latest Updated: 16th November, 2021